Conceived, Produced & Directed by Lenora Lee Choreographed by Lenora Lee in collaboration with The Lenora Lee Dance Cast (2017 / 2019) & The Berkeley Dance Project Cast (2022/2023) Stage Manager: Keanu Marquez Costume Designer: Wendy Sparks Production Coordinator: SanSan Kwan Lighting Designer: Ray Oppenheimer Scenic Designer: Peet Cocke Assistant Scenic Designer / Calligrapher: Shin Yang Projection Designer: Olivia Ting Original Score by: Francis Wong & Tatsu Aokiwith Kioto Aoki, JoVia Armstrong, Rami Atassi, Mwata Bowden, Jonathan Chen, Suwan Choi, Deszon X. Claiborne, Coco Elysses, Jason Kao Hwang, Michael Jamanis, Jamie Kempkers, Chad Taylor, Edward Wilkerson Jr, Michael Zerang Poetry & Text: Genny Lim & Wong Gung Jue Voiceovers: Lynn Huang, Hien Huynh, Johnny Huy Nguyen & Shannon Preto
Cast: Cristopher Avila, Kimberly Fong, Jingwen (Caitlin) Han, Teo Lin-Bianco, Emma Lowe, Noah Ryang, Jiho Seo, Eika Tokunaga, Erin Yoon, Victoria Amador, Verena Lee, Gilberto Martinez Martinez, Liam Quinn, and Tatianna Steiner
Photographer: Robbie Sweeny
For the full cast and crew, please go to the program webpage.
Work in progress – the silk panels with calligraphy